
Current activities |
- Mass rearing of red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugieneus and palm borer Paysandisia archon in the laboratory
- Artificial damage in semi-field conditions by: red palm weevil on Phoenix canariensis and banana tree Musa sp. and Paysandisia archon on Chamaerops humilis
- P. archon adult collection from damaged Phoenix dactylifera offshoots (May-September 2013)
- Efficacy tests of various botanical extracts on red palm weevil larvae
- Efficacy tests of Steinernema carpocapsae on red palm weevil larvae
- Soil sampling from citrus, olive, vine, palm groves for the isolation of fungal and bacteria species (i.e. Beauveria bassiana, Bacillus spp.)
- Molecular identification of red palm weevil from different countries across the world
- Efficacy evaluation of different glues on red palm weevil
- P. archon mating behaviour
- P. archon early detection